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  • Hi Kid: Socialism! Hey, Why Not?

Hi Kid: Socialism! Hey, Why Not?

Featuring: The Iron Lady, Social Justice in Education, and the Tyranny of the Busybody


Here at Hi Kid, we encourage curious perspectives and love considering thoughtful questions. We hope to play a part in leading people to engage in interesting discussions. That is why we are excited to lead off this week’s newsletter with well-considered commentary from a terrific guest author. Garrett Mayberry of Blue River, Colorado favors freedom over force, thoughtfully considers all perspectives, and knows the value of focusing on principles. We think you’ll enjoy his perspective.

Thanks for letting us share your ideas, Garrett—we’re grateful for you.

Why Not Bring on Democratic Socialism?

Socialism! Try some today!

A question for all of those Americans who want “Democratic socialism:” what is stopping you?

In this country you are free to organize groups of like-minded people, share as much wealth as you’d like, create nonprofit organizations to redistribute that wealth, and even create guidelines and regulations that your adherents can live by. You’re free to create your own universal healthcare, operate free hospitals and schools, pay women the same as men regardless of experience and hours worked, and recognize and give privileges to infinite gender identities. You can create a ‘solidarity economy,’ have free housing, free food, and free everything created by the shared contributions of your community. Nothing about that is illegal.

So if all of that hasn’t happened yet, we come back to the question, “what is stopping you?” Surely among a country of 330 million you could find a critical mass to sustain such a voluntary movement.

And then we realize that the real challenge to the movement isn’t that you Democratic Socialists lack the freedom to live as you please. The “challenge” is that you don’t have the power to force everyone else to live as socialists.

Socialism is apparently so compelling that the only way you can succeed is through the threat of government force, seizure, redistribution, and punishment. Socialism’s true end goal isn’t an equal society - as that is already within reach through voluntary means. The end goal of socialism is power- centralized power and control of all resources and people.

So ultimately, it’s not the freedom that you socialists have that prevents you from doing anything. It’s our individual minds, God-given freedoms, and independent wealth that are the real barrier to your centralized power. The choice of people to reject socialism is its greatest threat.

As Margaret Thatcher said, “Choice is the essence of ethics: if there were no choice, there would be no ethics, no good, no evil; good and evil have meaning only insofar as man is free to choose."

And we aren’t giving up our freedom and choices. Ever.

Social Justice as the Purpose of Public Education?

“I saw education for what it really was. The greatest instrument of social justice in this country.”

-English teacher featured at a recent Harris/Walz campaign rally

Should public education be used to force social justice in the United States? What does it mean to bring social justice into classrooms? Often in the context of education, social justice is used with equity, which is generally focused on forcing equal outcomes between disparate groups or individuals.

What do you think? Is a focus on social justice beneficial for American students?

Tyranny of Robber Barons or Busybodies?

British author C.S. Lewis wrote that the worst form of tyranny is one conducted under the auspices that it is working for the benefit of its victims. Do you think those who believe they know what you need should make your decisions for you?

“The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult.

To be "cured" against one's will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”

-C.S. Lewis, God in the Dock: Essays on Theology


☑️ LEARN about a new lawsuit filed by Colorado parents against their Adams County school district, the department of education and the state of Colorado for violating their constitutional rights by transitioning their child’s identity without their knowledge or consent. Watch the CBS News Colorado coverage HERE.

☑️ ATTEND the first regular meeting of the 2024-25 school year at Thompson School District. Meeting details HERE.

☑️ ATTEND FAIR Colorado’s Diversity without Division seminar in September. Register to attend HERE.

☑️ SHARE this newsletter with anyone who believes in asking good questions and having curious conversations! Subscribe HERE.