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  • Hi Kid: Are Schools Complicit in Child Abuse?

Hi Kid: Are Schools Complicit in Child Abuse?

Featuring: Retirement for a Child Rapist, Gay Games, and Forgiveness and Friendship

Are Schools Soft on Safety?

Why do we have to keep asking this question: Are children SAFE in our local schools?

From our previous questions, we know that vulnerable, non-verbal, autistic children were beaten by a Poudre School District employee on a PSD bus; elementary students in Thompson School District have reportedly been bitten, punched, lacerated, and sexually abused; and we know of Instagram accounts associated with PSD high school students which feature videos of vicious fights in PSD bathrooms.

Last week we learned that now sexual abuse of children has occurred on PSD property. This is in addition to the proven physical abuse that happened at PSD. What is going on? Should our community be asking questions about the safety of children in our schools?

Sexual Abuse by PSD Teacher

Former PSD Cache La Poudre Middle School social studies teacher Robert Denise was sentenced on June 21, 2024 to 16 years in prison and 10 years probation after pleading guilty to three Class 3 felony counts of sexual exploitation of a child. Denise was described as a “serial child rapist” by a member of the Larimer County Sheriff’s Office and CBS News reported that some of the abuse occurred on PSD property, stating, “Some victims recalled Denise pulling them into the CLP Middle School library where he touched their genitals.” The felony counts resulted from crimes committed against three of the five victims of Denise’s abuse who came forward. The statue of limitations had run out on two of the victims’ abuses and were unable to be legally prosecuted.

Victims Groomed at PSD

Senior Deputy District Attorney Luke Birky stated that “The grooming in this case is the most extensive I’ve ever seen.” Birky further explained that PSD teacher Denise purposefully sought out positions which would provide him access to teenage boys and that Denise purposefully targeted vulnerable ‘troubled boys’ to groom and abuse. The LCSO stated that 95% of male victims of sexual abuse never report it, which would indicate that there are likely 95 additional PSD students and/or others who were sexually abused by Denise. Bobby Moll, an LCSO captain believes there are more victims who have just not come forward and said, "It is sad to say, but you know this probably isn't an isolated event.” In their statements to the Larimer County Court, the victims described how they were manipulated by Denise at school and some described being lured to Denise’s home as a way of avoiding punishment at school; according to CBS News, the boys were subsequently raped in Denise’s shower.

PSD Provides Retirement to Serial Child Rapist

During interviews, one of Denise’s victims condemned PSD’s handling of the abuse. We wondered if his concerns were valid and reviewed PSD’s response to Denise’s arrest and subsequent conviction. We were surprised to learn that upon learning of LCSO’s initial investigation into their beloved CLP Middle School social studies teacher alleged sexual abuse of PSD students, the district placed Denise on PAID administrative leave. We are not aware of the district ever changing his leave from paid to unpaid after his arrest on child abuse charges in April of 2023, but it is possible. Denise definitely remained as an employee of PSD after his arrest, however. Shockingly, PSD provided Denise early retirement just four days before he pleaded guilty to three counts of sexual exploitation of a child—including the abuse which occurred on PSD property. PSD staff generally retire effective at the end of their annual contracts which go through July 31st of each year. Denise’s retirement date of April 1st certainly stands out as unusual. Why would the district provide him retirement on that date?

We wonder:

  • Did the District Attorney’s office provide PSD advanced notice that their employee would be pleading guilty on April 5th?

  • What financial benefit did Denise receive as a result of being allowed to retire instead of having his employment terminated by the district?

  • Did Superintendent Brian Kingsley approve Denise’s retirement?

Why the odd retirement date, PSD?

To our knowledge, the district’s response to the conviction of their teacher has been minimal. PSD refused an interview with CBS News. The PSD Board of Education has not put out a statement, nor discussed the issue in a public meeting. PSD leadership has not publicly announced any plans to provide a thorough and unbiased root cause analysis. PSD leadership has not offered the community any tangible assurance that abuse wasn’t happening to PSD students up to the moment of Denise’s initial leave in January 2023.

Are Children Safe from Physical and Sexual Abuse at PSD?

This story of horrific abuse on PSD property and the district’s response has us concerned for our local children. PSD employees have been convicted of criminal physical, sexual, and psychological abuse. Abuse which occurred ON PSD PROPERTY at the hands of PSD employees. The children who have suffered abuse have been described as some of our community’s most vulnerable and we are worried that the district’s response has been insufficient and demonstrates a lack of concern for these vulnerable kids. Instead of demonstrating a powerful response which would deter future abuse or seeking solutions to address the root causes of the extensive abuse of their students, PSD seems to hope the stories can just be put behind them so the district leaders can move on, as former PSD BoE Director Nate Donovan stated in a public meeting attended by the PSD school bus abuse victims’ families in 2023.

PSD’s facilitation of physical and sexual child abuse has damaged the trust of our local community and we wonder if PSD is even interested in regaining that trust. The district has indicated a desire to ask us to raise taxes on ourselves and provide the district even more money. Additionally, the PSD Board of Education believes it should be given more oversight of parent-led charter schools. Given PSD leadership’s allowance for vulnerable children to be abused by their employees and the district’s associated tepid response to these abuse cases, we wonder if the community should consider additional support to this untrustworthy organization.

Questions Remain

PSD has hired child abusers, connected the abusers with innocent children, and even provided the physical space for the sexual and physical abuse to occur. We wonder if our community should be asking some reasonable questions of PSD leadership.

  • What assurances has district leadership offered that convince the community that all children are safe on PSD property and with PSD staff?

  • How can community parents know other abuses aren’t currently happening in PSD schools?

  • Why hasn’t the PSD’s Board of Education made a statement regarding the felony conviction of child abuse by one a district employee?

  • Do our students deserve better protection?

"When someone preys upon the children in our community, especially someone who held a position of trust in those children's lives, the harm can be immeasurable.”

District Attorney Gordan McLaughlin

Should the President Care About Education?

CNN moderators of Thursday’s Presidential debate asked questions about a wide range of topics ranging from abortion to Medicare. The debate even dedicated significant air time to golf handicaps. Ahem.

Given the cultural battles being waged in America’s classrooms right now, though, we were surprised that CNN asked no questions of the candidates regarding the state of American education.

Do you think education should be a Presidential debate topic?

Denver’s Desire for Gay Games 2030

Did you know that Denver has made the short list of cities being considered to host the Gay Games 2030? We know that with Colorado’s generous sunshine and mountain air privilege, our state is an excellent site for athletic events. But we wonder if it is the proper use of Colorado’s government to facilitate an event grounded in controversial political ideology, the stated purpose of which is to, “…foster and  augment the self-respect of…those whose gender identity or sexuality do not fit within traditional expressions or definitions.” 

Review the Gay Games Denver website HERE and decide what you think.

…our vision extends to leaving a lasting legacy of acceptance, equality, and unity…Join us in driving change, pushing boundaries to shape a future where love knows no bounds…”

-Denver 2030 Gay Games website

Political Rivals AND Dear Friends

As two of the most significant Founding Fathers, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams spent years discussing the deepest ideas in philosophy, government, history. Though they often disagreed, their common desire for truth and mutual respect for the thoughts and ideas of others bonded them in friendship. Jefferson and Adams’ relationship grew stronger during the 1780s as they sent each other hundreds of letters during their times as the first US ambassadors to France and England, respectively. Their letters consisted of topics ranging from philosophy to book suggestions.

Their friendship was profoundly impacted by politics during the contentious 1796 and 1800 elections in which the two were opposing candidates. Jefferson lost the 1796 election to Adams meaning he had to serve as Adams’ Vice President. Jefferson and Adams were in opposing political parties, so Jefferson was a thorn in Adams’ side for Adams’ presidency. The former friends did not speak to each other for the next 12 years. 

In 1808, however, Dr. Benjamin Rush, a mutual friend of both Jefferson and Adams, implored the men to reconnect before they passed away. Eventually the two men rekindled their friendship and forgave each other for their past actions. The two Founding Fathers friendship remained until the year 1826, when, 50 years after the ratification of the friends’ masterpiece, the Declaration of Independence, both men passed away within six hours of each other. Adams’ last reported words were, “Thomas Jefferson survives”, still thinking of his old friend even in death. What Adams didn’t know then was that he would soon be reunited with his great friend in the afterlife.

I do not believe that friendship has its origin in the moral principles upon which ours is founded, but there is a friendship which results from natural sympathy; and this, I think, exists in greater perfection between you and me than any other instance of it I have known."

-John Adams to Thomas Jefferson, 1788

Your Truth or Mine?

Is there such thing as objective truth?  Or is all truth subjective? Can individuals or groups have their own truth that is different from others?


☑️ QUESTION whether school districts should have policies codifying allowance of biological boys in girls-only spaces. Douglas County School District board members decided to delay a vote on such a policy, after an uproar from the local community. Learn more HERE.

☑️ CELEBRATE Independence Day in Wellington or Windsor.

☑️ ATTEND the Fort Collins Foxes vs US Military War Dogs baseball game this Sunday June 30th at 7pm. The night ends with a USA-themed drone show! Buy tickets HERE.